Tours : Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro [2023]

Tours : Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro [Updated In 2023] :

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, and it’s a great place to climb if you want to test your physical and mental limits. Located in Tanzania, Kilimanjaro is made up of three distinct volcanic cones : Shira, Mawenzi and Kibo. The first two are extinct; only Kibo remains active today.

The route up Kilimanjaro can be challenging for inexperienced climbers due to its high altitude (19340 ft/5895 m).

However, with proper preparation and training beforehand, anyone can reach Uhuru Peak the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and experience some breathtaking views along the way!

Preparing for the Climb

To help you decide which route is right for you, we’ve broken down the pros and cons of each one.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

Marangu Route :

This is the most popular way to climb Kilimanjaro because it’s the easiest and has a good success rate (more than 80%). It’s also considered “the tourist trail” because it has more facilities along the way, including huts with beds and showers, as well as porters who carry your gear for you.

However, this means that there are many more people on this route than others–including large groups that often take up all available spaces at campsites or huts in order to reserve them before anyone else can get them. Plus there may be long waits at some points during busy seasons like Christmas or Easter when hundreds of climbers attempt their summit attempts simultaneously!

[Trending : Climbing Kilimanjaro: The Ultimate Guide 2022]

Machame Route :

This is another popular option since it offers breathtaking views throughout much of its length; however there are fewer facilities along this path so make sure you’re prepared! You’ll need extra food supplies because there aren’t any restaurants along this stretch (and also remember that many hikers get altitude sickness).

You’ll also need warm clothing since temperatures drop significantly once night falls near Uhuru Peak (the highest point on Kili). Finally though perhaps most importantly remember that weather conditions vary greatly depending upon where exactly on Kili they occur so always check forecast reports beforehand just incase something unexpected happens while hiking up toward Uhuru Peak.

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Choosing the Right Gear

  • Appropriate clothing and footwear.
  • Daypack.
  • Sleeping bag.
  • Trekking poles (optional).
  • Water bottles/canteens (one per person).

Additionally, you should include some snacks, such as trail mix, granola bars, or nuts, for when you get hungry but don’t feel like stopping for a meal quite yet.


Any Kilimanjaro ascent must include acclimatisation. Planning for good acclimatisation is crucial, especially if you want to hike at high elevations for an extended length of time. Among the warning indicators of altitude sickness are :

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue (tiredness)


  • Be prepared for the worst.
  • Research the route and know the weather conditions.
  • Bring a first aid kit.
  • Hire a guide if you can afford it, but don’t rely on them alone for your safety!
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Climbing Kilimanjaro

There are a few things you should know before you climb Kilimanjaro. The first is that it’s not an easy hike and requires plenty of preparation, so allow yourself plenty of time to get ready for the trip. You’ll want to make sure your gear is in good shape, especially if this is your first time climbing Kilimanjaro or any other mountain for that matter!

The second thing is that it’s important for climbers to stay positive and motivated during their climb – especially when they’re feeling tired or sore from hiking up steep inclines all day long. Taking regular breaks helps keep energy levels high so climbers can continue making progress towards their goal without getting worn out too quickly by the physical demands of mountain climbing itself.

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Finally : remember how beautiful Africa is! Enjoying the view along the way will help keep spirits high while keeping hydrated (drinking lots of water) helps prevent dehydration which could lead towards illness later down this adventure road called life.”


Scaling Mount Kilimanjaro

The descent is a little more challenging than the climb, but not by much. You’ll want to take it slow and steady, and make sure you’re staying hydrated. If you feel any symptoms of altitude sickness (dizziness, nausea), stop for a minute or two and rest before continuing on your way down.

If at any point during your climb or descent you find yourself in trouble, if you need help from guides or other climbers then don’t hesitate to ask for assistance!

Post-Climb Care

After you’ve made it to the top of Kilimanjaro, the most important thing is to rest and hydrate. You should also monitor yourself for signs of altitude sickness, which can include nausea, headaches and difficulty sleeping.

If you’re traveling with your gear in a duffel bag or backpack (and not on porters’ backs), take care of it! Make sure all zippers are closed tightly so nothing gets wet from condensation inside the bag; pack any fragile items like sunglasses or electronics into soft-sided cases; and keep your boots away from any sharp objects that could puncture their soles.

Finally : celebrate! Whether this was your first climb or just another notch in an already impressive belt buckle collection you did it!

The incredible experience of climbing Kilimanjaro will test your physical and mental abilities. But anyone with reasonable fitness levels and perseverance may do it!

Do not hesitate to climb Kilimanjaro if you are considering doing so. You’ll have a terrific time on this mountain, and you’ll at least return home with some incredible vacation photographs!

Get in touch

A Kilimanjaro climb or Adventurous Safari will be a trip to remember

Contact Africa Rooftop Expeditions any time any day – We work with all of our clients from the Dallas, TX, USA location.